Document Management System Project Checklist
- Identify project goals and objectives
- Allocated resources for the project (budgets and personnel)
- Identify the success criteria
Project Team
- Aligned with project goals and objectives
- Aligned with the success criteria
- Defined a project plan and owner
- Stakeholder inclusion and consultation (business, operations, and IT)
- Project information campaign and buy-in
- Plan for a scaled rollout if possible (Departmental or workflow based)
- Plan for process change management
- Plan for electronic and paper storage
Background Information
- The project team and stakeholders understand the technology and what it can and cannot deliver
- Clearly defined needs and requirements
- Clearly identified roles, accountability, and ownership
- Clearly identified workflows related to documents and records
- Clearly identified users
- Consulted IT stakeholders
- Defined at least a 3 to 5-year growth estimate (sizing for hardware and storage)
- Defined system availability and downtime targets (High availability or not)
Vendor Selection
- Customer and Partner reviews
- Solution Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis
- Alignment with project goals and objectives
- Total offering including value-added services
- Availability of Technical Support
Archive One is a document management system designed to help companies easily classify, store, secure, and retrieve essential company documents needed for retention and audits. With the help of our partners, we provide an end-to-end document management solution from scanning to document storage, at a highly competitive price.